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12 Common Dance Injuries

Patellar TendonitisI have been involved in the dance community for many years. I love attending performances, whenever I get a chance. Unfortunately, along with these amazing performances, also comes a high rate of injury. So that is what this blog is about – dance injuries. Within this blog, I have focused upon the most common dance injuries that we treat at our Calgary clinic (Kinetic Health).

Beside each injury, you will find a short paragraph that provides links to each dance injury Blog. If you are a dancer, don’t be discouraged by the high injury rates. I have found that the right treatment combined with a functional exercise program can usually resolve each of these conditions.

I hope you will find these blog articles useful, and I look forward to your feedback.

1. Ankle Sprains or Inversion Sprains – Part 1

An ankle sprain refers to the tearing of the ligaments of the ankle and account for approximately 40% of all athletic injuries. 85% of ankle sprains occur on the outside (lateral side) of the ankle and are known as an inversion sprain. This is the type of injury that most runners/dancers experience when they sprain their ankles. To read the rest of this blog click here.

2. Bunions – Understanding And Treatment

Bunions (Hallus Abducto Valgus) are a common foot problem that affects the joint at the base of the big toe (first metatarsophalangeal joint). In Latin “bunion” means enlargement, while “hallux abducto valgus (HAV)” refers to a bending inwards of the big toe. To read the rest of this blog click here.

3. Medial Ankle Pain – Dancer’s Tendonitis

An injury to the Flexor Hallucis Longus (FHL) tendon causes medial ankle pain or pain on the bottom of the foot. FHL injury is a condition that is often overlooked or misdiagnosed. This injury affects dancers, runners, soccer players, and any other athlete who performs repeated, propulsive forces, or jumping. Injury of theFlexor Halicus Longus muscle is sometimes called “Dancer’s tendonitis” but it is not limited to just dancers. To read the rest of this blog click here.

4. Lateral Foot Pain – Cuboid Syndrome

Cuboid syndrome is a condition that causes lateral foot pain. In forty percent of cases Cuboid syndrome is associated with lateral ankle sprains (inversion sprain). This syndrome affects the joint (capsule), ligaments, and tendons (peroneus longus tendon). To read the rest of this blog click here.

Dancer5. Shin Splints – Part 1

One of the most common running injuries we treat in our clinic is shin splints or Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS). Shin splints cause one in five athletes to stop running. In addition to running, engaging in soccer, rugby, basketball, volleyball, dance or any sport that involves running or jumping can cause shin splints. To read the rest of this blog click here.

6. Understanding Stress Fractures: Part 1

Stress fractures are one of the most common, and potentially serious, overuse injuries. A stress fracture is an incomplete fracture that can occur anywhere in the body, and are typically caused by repetitive forceful actions. In contrast, most other types of fractures are caused by a single, direct, traumatic impact. To read the rest of this blog click here.

7. Achilles Tendon Injury – Seeing the bigger picture

Treating the Achilles tendon requires a complete history and biomechanical analysis, removal of any restrictive adhesions, and implementation of effective exercises. The biomechanical analysis, or determining which structures in the kinetic chain are involved, is extremely important. From patient history and subjective findings it will be easy to figure out where it hurts, but not where the source of the problem is coming from. To read the rest of this blog click here. Go to our page on Resolving Achilles Tendonitis for more information.

8. Treating Iliotibial Band Syndrome

The first thing practitioners must do in treating Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) is to take a complete history and perform a biomechanical analysis. The biomechanical analysis evaluates the patients gait and movement patterns for alteration in any normal movement. This will give the practitioner an initial hypothesis as to which structures are involved. To read the rest of this blog click here. Go to our page on Resolving ITBS for more information.

Dancer9. Patellar Tendonitis/Tendinosis or Jumper’s Knee

The patellar tendon links the kneecap (patella) to your shin bone (tibia). The quadriceps muscle and the quadriceps tendon allow your knee to extend. Tendonitis refers to inflammation of a tendon. Tendonitis in the knee is commonly caused by activities that shorten the quadriceps, and that transfer force directly to the tendons of the knee. To read the rest of this blog click here. Go to our page on Resolving Patellar Tendonitis or Jumper’s Knee for more information.

10. Resolving Hamstring Injuries Part 1

Hamstring injuries are common problems that affect a large number of athletes. These injuries can be slow to heal with a very high rate of re-occurrence. Hamstring injuries are often associated with sports that require fast acceleration and deceleration such as running (intervals), football, soccer, rugby and dance. To read the rest of this blog click here.

11. Back Injuries – Sprain/Strain

Sprain and strains often occur together, but are actually injuries that occur to different parts of your body, and that have different impacts on your body. To read the rest of this blog click here. Go to our page on Resolving Back Pain for more information.

Dancer12. Rotator Cuff Injuries, the Scapula and Impingement Syndromes

No matter what the cause, the location of pain from a rotator cuff tear is often quite difficult to pinpoint. Patients often describe the pain as being a broad area of involvement over the shoulder. Often the pain of a rotator cuff tear radiates down their arms and elbows. To read the rest of this blog click here. Go to our page on Resolving Rotator Cuff Injuries for more information.

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